Richard Beebe
Richard has been involved with photography in excess of 40 years, including over 25 years of professional experience and skills in a variety of aspects, with 20+ years teaching, throughout in the 1980s in Livermore and at the Grand for 12+ years. Despite this strong background, he still believes he is a “work in progress.”
“I have no desire to simply sit down and rest on my laurels – I now expose more original images with both a digital camera and with smartphones consistently than I ever did with just film, continually exercising and stretching my visual experience. That’s where the fun of this image-making medium is.” – Richard
Photography remains a strong passion for Richard. He loves pushing his own visual creativity and expanding his own expressiveness further. Richard has been instructing others on the art and craft of the photographic medium since 2009 here at the Grand Theatre Center for the Arts.
* Formats – 35mm (30+ years), 6×6 square (25+ years), digital (20 years), 4×5 view camera (infrequent).
* Experience – photographer, assistant (lighting, sets, logistics, camera), instructor (classroom, field, workshops), writer/editor.
* Styles/Genres – portrait (incl fashion, figure, photojournalistic ‘environmental portraits’ – in studio & on location); landscapes, cityscapes; night imagery, b&w infrared; and abstract/expressive interpretations and photo-impressions.
* Please view examples of Richard’s photos here: Richard’s Facebook Profile.
You may contact Richard at [email protected] for more information about his photography classes!